How To Copy Without Being A Cheat (Or Losing Credibility)

Like getting in a car strangers and looking both ways before you cross the street, not copying is one of those life lessons that are drilled into your head. And not without reason.

Adults were looking out for us. They didn't want us to get kidnapped, hit by a car, or in the case of copying, end up dependent and uneducated. Little did they know they were drawing a line in the sand that limited our growth.

This post is all about why and how copying is good, and leveraging the best practices can bring you immense levels of growth.

Think About Life Like It's Your Birthday Every Day

Most people do it. The clock strikes birthday o'clock, and we start evaluating and analyzing our lives.

Along with New Year's Day, our birthdays are a time that makes us ponder our accomplishments, motivations, direction, and general how's-it-goingness of life.